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Rogue Workforce Partnership is actively seeking qualified organizations to serve as the One-Stop Operator (OSO) for the WorkSource Rogue Valley Centers. The role of the OSO will be to coordinate the service delivery of required one-stop partners and service providers.


  • The one-stop operator in partnership with RWP Leadership will coordinate and co-facilitate 12 meetings (1x per month) each year, with the Local Leadership Team.
  • The one-stop operator in partnership with RWP leadership will coordinate and facilitate meetings (number of meetings to be based on need) with the Rogue Continuous Improvement (CI) Team.
  • The one-stop operator will facilitate the coordination and completion of a minimum of two continuous improvement projects related to the WSO Operational Standards with the Rogue CI team by the end of PY 24.
  • The one-stop operator will continue to connect the Rogue workforce region to best practices in workforce development across the state through recommendations and reporting.
  • Other administrative duties as requested by RWP program management staff, including reports and presentations to RWP’s Local Leadership Team and Board of Directors


Please note that the proposed budget for the One-Stop Operator (OSO) position is $30,000. This budget will be negotiated upon selection based on experience, qualifications, and proposed approaches.

Allowable cost period: July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025


1. Experience & Qualifications

  • Describe your organization’s or coalition’s workforce system experience during the last three years.
  • Describe the professional qualifications of your organization and the staff which will work on or oversee the OSO function for WorkSource Rogue Valley and the regional workforce system.
  • Describe your organization’s experience in managing federal, state and local contracts and grants. Disclose and include any unresolved audit or monitoring findings and include a copy of your organization’s most recent audit and monitoring reports, if applicable.

2. Proposed Approach

  • Describe how you would carry out the OSO’s “coordination” responsibilities listed above. How would your organization tailor the OSO role to enhance the WorkSource Rogue Valley and the regional workforce system?
  • Please provide an approximate timeline of key activities in each quarter beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2020.
  • Provide three examples of successful workforce endeavors your organization or your key staff have engaged in. Include the location, the dates and a reference for each example.


  • The proposed budget for the One-Stop Operator position is $30,000.
  • Cost will not be considered when the list of qualified entities to perform the OSO duties is initially developed. Once one or more entities are selected, based upon a review of “experience and qualifications” and the “proposed approach,” one or more structured interviews will be held and a budget will be requested and negotiated. If negotiations are successful, the budget will be included in the OSO’s contract with the RWP.
  • Cost information should not be included with your response to this RFQ, but will be requested if and when your proposal is considered for funding.


  • The one-stop operator in partnership with RWP Leadership will coordinate and co-facilitate 12 meetings (1x per month) each year, with the Local Leadership Team.
  • The one-stop operator in partnership with RWP leadership will coordinate and facilitate meetings (number of meetings to be based on need) with the Rogue Continuous Improvement (CI) Team.
  • The one-stop operator will facilitate the coordination and completion of a minimum of two continuous improvement projects related to the WSO Operational Standards with the Rogue CI team by the end of PY 24 (July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025).
  • The one-stop operator will continue to connect the Rogue workforce region to best practices in workforce development across the state through recommendations and reporting.
  • Other administrative duties as requested by RWP program management staff, including reports and presentations to RWP’s Local Leadership Team and Board of Directors


Once the RFQQ is open for submission, RWP staff are unable to answer questions related to the RFQQ 1:1. A Bidder’s Session was held on March 14th from 3:30-4:30 PM. During this session, RWP staff provided an overview of the RFQQ process and was available to answer all questions. The Bidder’s Session was recorded, and a link has been posted below for reference.



Who are the partners required to provide access to services in WorkSource Oregon Centers?

  • WIOA Title I Youth, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs
  • WIOA Title II Adult Education and Family Literacy Act Program
  • Postsecondary career and technical programs authorized under the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006
  • WIOA Title 1 Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Program-State Monitor Advocate System
  • WIOA Title III Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service Program
  • Trade Adjustment Assistance Program
  • Jobs for Veterans State Grant Program
  • Unemployment Insurance Programs
  • WIOA Title IV Vocational Rehabilitation Program
  • Older Americans Act Senior Community Service Employment Program
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training Services
  • Community Service Block Grant Employment and Training Activities
  • Housing and Urban Development Employment and Training Activities
  • WIOA Title IV Vocational Rehabilitation Program (Blind)
  • Activities under Sec. 212 of the federal Second Chance Act of 2007
  • WIOA Title 1 Job Corps
  • WIOA Title 1 YouthBuild
  • WIOA Title 1 Native American Program

Who are the members of the Local Leadership Team?

  • Commission for the Blind
  • WorkSource Rogue Valley
  • Rogue Community College
  • Project Youth +
  • Job Corps
  • Oregon Department of Human Services
  • Evolutionary Consulting
  • Options of Southern Oregon
  • Community Justice Transition Center
  • Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Goodwill