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Rogue Valley
Workforce Development
Related Dashboards

Local Dashboards Managed by the Rogue Workforce Partnership

Empower Dashboard: data showing the number of Empower workshop attendees along with one-on-one coaching for local Oregonians and Workforce Development staff that focus on Essential Employability Skills.  This work is vital to the health of our local workforce and driven by employer input.  Watch Empower Video Testimonials.

Target Sector Employment Dashboard: wages and numbers employed for our Target Sectors in the Rogue Valley (Private and Government) as reported by the Oregon Employment Department.

Other Dashboards

Age Group Diversity: a dashboard from the US Census with 2020 data showing diversity by age group in each state including Puerto Rico.  This can be helpful as a population trend estimator. Visit the dashboard.

Apprenticeships by State Data:  this Federal data warehouse interactive map and chart, shows the numbers of registered apprenticeships by state and county along with state-only demographics of those registered in apprenticeship programs.

Broadband Access Dashboard:  US Census showing the number of households at the state and county levels with access to high-speed broadband Internet access.  Additional data shows work-at-home employment, employment, poverty levels, and more.  To see the county level, click on any state and then Zoom.

Bureau Of Transportation Statistics Geospatial Open Data:  browse geospatial data that is part of the BTS National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD) product. NTAD is a set of nationwide geographic databases of public spatial information for transportation facilities and networks; flows of people, goods, vehicles, and craft over the transportation networks; and social, economic, and environmental conditions that affect or are affected by the transportation networks.

Business Formation Statistics:  US Census showing the number of business applications (self-employed, Gig, consultants, new business starts), scroll down to click on states and then counties.

Business Trends and Outlook Survey:  US Census shows trends at the national, state, and sector levels related to the state of the economy.  The trends are updated every other week using key economic measures and business expectations.

Career Trajectories and Occupational Transitions Dashboard (CTOT): Occupational Clusters (typical wages by cluster), Key Data on Occupations (wage growth over time), and Occupation Trajectory and Transitions (what do trajectories look like over time) for many occupations.   Maintained by the US DOL.

College to Jobs Map:  an interactive map of the US displaying College Graduate and Labor Market Data specific to economic mobility and graduation growth for colleges and universities.  A collaboration between The Project on Workforce and the Harvard Kennedy School.

County Business Patterns by Industry, 2020:  US Census showing the number of establishments by state and county using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Visit the County Business Patterns by Industry Visualization Tool.

Disability Employed Statistics: the US Department of Labor’s interactive map visualizes how the employment rate for those employed with a disability can be seen on their Employment-Population Ratio Map for those Employed with a Disability site.  To view median earnings with the same populations visit their Median Annual Earnings Map for Those Employed with a Disability.

Emergency Management Interactive Map: provides real-time access to a range of detailed Census Bureau data about the people living and working in areas affected by hurricanes, floods, wildfires, winter storms, and federal disaster declaration areas.

Economic Indicators (National):  a snapshot of key economic indicators nationally provided by the US Census Bureau.

My Community Dashboard: US Census showing Economic Data (household income, poverty rate and population without healthcare insurance) Social Characteristics, Race & Ethnicity, and Business Profiles.  Visit the My Computer Dashboard, then in the upper right hand corner choose the state and county.

OnTheMap:  an interactive map for creating, viewing, printing, and downloading workforce-related maps, demographic profiles, and reports. View their “Getting Started” guide.

Opportunity Atlas:  The Opportunity Atlas allows users to interactively explore data on children’s outcomes into adulthood for every Census tract in the United States. This can inform local efforts to build equitable, prosperous, and healthier communities.

Population and Housing State Data:  US Census 2020 dashboard displays population and housing information by state and county.

Post-Secondary Employment Outcomes Explorer (PSEO):  US Census PSEO dashboard displays the average income gained from all college and university graduates in the US based on degrees and graduation dates.  You can choose each state, institution, and degree.  Visit the PSEO Dashboard.

Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the United States: US Census dashboard displays 2010 and 2020 racial and diversity data.

Transportation Economic Trends dashboard maintained by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics looks at transportation related employment.

Who Is Receiving Social Safety Net Benefits?: US Census interactive table shows which populations access Social Safety Net Benefits (data is US only).

Young Adult Migration:  the Migration Project uses newly constructed and publically available statistics to show migration patterns of young adults in the US.