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Effective July 1, 2020, Rogue Workforce Partnership entered into an agreement with Rogue Consortium One-Stop Operator (RCOSO) to fulfill the role of the One-Stop Operator in the Rogue Valley (Jackson and Josephine counties). The RCOSO is a partnership with the Oregon Employment Department, ResCare, Rogue Community College, and Goodwill of Southern Oregon.

Rogue Consortium One-Stop Operator (RCOSO) provides One-Stop-Operator Services throughout the Rogue Valley Workforce Region in accordance with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.

Workforce services in the Rogue Valley workforce area are primarily funded through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The work authorized under this federal legislation provides support for workforce development activities in the local area, which are supplemented and aligned with other funding sources. The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and Oregon’s Higher Education Coordinating Commission – Office of Workforce Investments (HECC-OWI) oversee this funding. As defined by the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) Section 678.620, the One-Stop Operator’s role at a minimum is to coordinate the service delivery of required one-stop centers, branded in Oregon as WorkSource, partners and service providers, coordinate service providers across the one-stop delivery system, may be a primary provider of services within the center or providing some of the services within the center, and coordinate service delivery in our multi-center area

The work of the RCOSO will be an integral and component part of the WorkSource Rogue Valley Local Leadership Team’s efforts to coordinate service delivery for the Worksource Rogue Valley One-Stop Centers and system. While the membership of the Local Leadership Team includes two One-Stop partners/service providers who are not currently members of RCOSO, the partners agree that a streamlined decision-making structure and process is necessary to effectively coordinate service delivery among all required One-Stop Center and system partners. Therefore, RCOSO’s overall efforts, priorities, action plan, and decision-making process will be contiguous with that of the Local Leadership Team. Through these Local Leadership Team meetings and efforts, the Consortium shall perform the necessary functions of the One-Stop Operator.


Per the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Title I formula funds allocated to local areas for adults and dislocated workers must be used to provide career and training through the one-stop delivery system (WorkSource). Per 20 CFR 680.140 of the same legislation, local workforce boards ((Rogue Workforce Partnership Workforce Board) are responsible for determining the most appropriate delivery of these services.

Furthermore, and to comply with Executive Order 13-08 of the State of Oregon which disallows for Local Boards to provide direct services to participants, Rogue Workforce Partnership has selected the following providers of Title I Adult and Dislocated Worker Jobseeker and Employer Services through open and competitive procurement processes. The provider of Title I Adult and Dislocated Worker Services is considered a sub-recipient of federal funds and is required to follow Uniform Guidance. As a sub-recipient, they are also monitored annually for fiscal and programmatic compliance and provide regular reporting on performance measures. Contracts are effective on a July 1- June 30 basis and renewed in accordance with Rogue Workforce Partnership’s procurement policies.


Per Executive Order 13-08 of the State of Oregon which disallows for Local Boards to provide direct services to participants and per WIOA sec. 123, Rogue Workforce Partnership used a competitive process to select the following provider to carry out all the Title I Youth 14 elements and services.

The provider of Title I Youth services is considered a sub-recipient of federal funds and is required to follow Uniform Guidance. As a sub-recipient, they are also monitored annually for fiscal and programmatic compliance and provide regular reporting on performance measures. Contracts are effective on a July 1- June 30 basis and renewed in accordance with Rogue Workforce Partnership procurement policies

Jackson and Josephine Counties

Project Youth+


In Oregon, the Eligible Training Provider List for all local areas is managed by the Higher Education Coordinating Commission.

Rogue Workforce Partnership is an equal opportunity employer, primarily financed with funds provided through the Higher Education Coordinating Commission and from the U.S. Department of Labor. Auxiliary aids and services and alternate formats are available to individuals with disabilities, TTY/TDD – dial 711.  Language services are available at no cost to individuals with limited English proficiency upon request.