Business Funds and Cashflow
Visit the RogueBusiness website ( to find funding and cashflow assistance for businesses and organizations impacted by the fires.
If you have questions or additional resources to share, join the RogueBusiness Connections LinkedIn group.
The resources below are for individuals, businesses and organizations impacted by wildfires.
Sources are local, state and federal including Recovery Resources, Clothing/Bedding/Household resources, Food, Mail/Voting, Pets, Recovery for Businesses and Organizations, Replacing Documents, Taxes, Transportation and places to Donate.
To search by a key word hold the Ctrl (Control) button then press the F button.
Concise List of Resources for Businesses and Organizations Lista Concisa de Recursos Para Empresas y Organizaciones
Printable List of Resources Below With FEMA Forms
Cleanup and Debris Removal
- State of Oregon Wildfire “Safely Managing Ash and Debris from Burned Buildings” website
- OEM/FEMA News Release “Look Out for Disaster Fraud, Scams”
Recovery Resources for Individuals, Businesses and Organizations
- 211 provides assistance finding food, paying housing bills, accessing childcare or other essential services. Dial 211 or visit http// for more information
- Advice for Fire Victims this document has been sent to us by multiple sources asking us to share. The author is unknown, but there is much useful information for individuals here click here.
- American Red Cross is accepting calls to register for assistance, in the past FEMA has worked with the Red Cross to prioritize assistance to those registered (1 800 RED CROSS). Local phone 541-779-3773.
- Advice/Checklist for those impacted by wildfires
- Asbestos (Everything You Need To Know About Asbestos In Your Home) is an article that helps home owners understand asbestos with “do’s and don’ts”
- Asbestos and Natural Disasters Guide that covers the impact of wildfires on structures made with asbestos:
- Ashland Works provides Almeda fire resources
- Business Oregon loans for employers impacted by the wildfires
- FEMA list of resources:
- FEMA Site (online registration form)
- Oregon State and Local Resources
- National Resources
- Financial Preparedness and Recovery From a Natural Disaster article:
- Illinois Valley Can Do provides microloans for businesses in Jackson and Josephine counties
- Insurance Provider tip sheets for commercial/agricultural fire claims
- (English) https//
- (Spanish) https//
- These are found on the DFR website here https//
- IRS Disaster Assistance and Emergency Relief for Individuals and Business
- Jackson County Community Long-Term Recovery Group (housing, food, mental health, social support, citizen/emergency alerts, legal aid insurance, addiction, business support, and document replacement)
- Jackson County United Way’s fire recovery fund http// local number 541-773-5339
- Josephine County Service Center call (541) 956-4050 for Housing & Homeless Services in Josephine County
- KTVL.COM list of resources including shelter, food, clothing and hygiene supplies https//
- Oregon Housing $ Relief Applications. The State of Oregon is offering financial relief to residents who have had their primary residence made uninhabitable by wildfire. Grantees must be below a certain income limit (see link). Funding is limited, first-come, first-served, so best to apply ASAP https// Telephone information 503-986-2000
- Oregon Wildfire Resources
- Options for Helping Residents of Ashland (OHRA) community resource center. Provides assistance to low-income, homeless and at-risk individuals and families. Contact at 541-631-2235 orhttps//
- Rental and Housing Assistance from the State of Oregon https//
- Returning Home … the following resources can help when cleaning up after a wild fire:
- OSU Extension Service
- Rogue Disposal Safely Disposing of Fire Debris
- is aimed at those affected by the Almeda and Obenchain fires bringing together information from multiple organizations involved in the rebuilding effort (includes Mobile/Manufactured Home and Financial Help resources).
- SBA Federal Disaster Loan Assistance program
- SOREDI, the Region’s Economic Development Organization, manages a revolving loan fund that businesses in Jackson and Josephine Counties, contact Noland Alston at (541) 773-8946 or
- Tax Assistance information provided by KDP Certified Public Accountants
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) assists families with children under 18, expecting mothers or head of household that is 18 or younger and are low income may qualify for temporary financial assistance and services related to childcare and job search assistance. To learn more about the program read the Benefits.Gov article or visit the Oregon Department of Human Services web site
- Temporary Workspace assistance can be researched through a Rogue Valley broker
- St. Vincent de Paul Hotel Vouchers Call 541-772-3828 Monday – Friday 10 AM – 1 PM
- Travel Oregon has created a wildfire information hub, a compilation of twitter feeds and links https//
- Tool and Equipment Replacement grants, through the United Rotary Clubs of Southern Oregon, for businesses needing to replace tools and equipment damaged or lost in the Jackson county fires
- Tool Share Habitat for Humanity offers tool sharing for anyone who plan to return to a lost home. Questions please call 541-779-1983 or email
- United Way fire fund for Jackson county individuals, families, small businesses (under 10) and non-profits needing assistance from the Almeda and Obenchain fires –
- WorkShare Oregon may help employers who are reducing work staff due to the wildfires, for information
Clothing, Bedding and Household Resources
- Ashland Chamber of Commerce check the Chamber website for a list of Ashland businesses providing clothes/supplies
- Ashland Christian Fellowship Shelter 50 W Hersey; Providing day time shelter, food, hot meals and clothing
- Jackson County Libraries free new and gently used toys, books and games at their Ashland, Central Point, Jacksonville, Medford and White City locations. Visit their website for library days and times that they are open – (note: please DO not drop off donations, they have received an overwhelming response)
- KTVL.COM list of resources including shelter, food, clothing and hygiene supplies https//
- Rogue Valley Recovers Fill out of the “I Have a Need” form on the Rogue Valley Preparedness Hub.
- Teresa McCormick Center 2500 S Pacific Hwy (left on Bear Creek Corporation Dr – Harry and David Offices); Hours Those affected by the fires (Clothing, hygiene, linens, some camping gear, back packs and other basic essentials).
- Monday 10 am to 12 pm
- Tuesday 11 am to 2 pm
- Thursday 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
- For special arrangements or questions they call 541-864-5098 or latest updates https//
- Unemployment Insurance if you have lost your employment you may qualify for unemployment insurance benefits.
- You can start the process by visiting https//, call 877-345-3484.
- Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA – COVID related) 1-833-410-1004 or 503-370-5400.
- You can attend a weekly live webinar to explain how to start the process (Rapid RePlacement webinar), to sign up for a session https//
- Training and Employment services are available in Medford (541-776-6060) and Grants Pass (541) 476-1187
- Jackson County Community Long-Term Recovery Group (housing, food, mental health, social support, citizen/emergency alerts, legal aid insurance, addiction, business support, and document replacement)
- 5 and 4:45 – 5:45
- Rogue Food Unites:,, 541.203.0583
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) if you have low income or lost your employment, you may be eligible for Oregon SNAP benefits. Online information and application: https// You can also call the local Oregon DHS office, Medford (541) 776-6172 or Grants Pass (541) 474-3101.
- Women, Infants and Children (WIC) is another program to help women who are pregnant or have children under five (5) years of age. To learn more about WIC and SNAP visit the Benefits.Gov site or Jackson County Health and Human Services or Josephine County WIC Program
Housing and Rental Assistance
- Jackson County Community Long-Term Recovery Group (housing, food, mental health, social support, citizen/emergency alerts, legal aid insurance, addiction, business support, and document replacement)
- Oregon Emergency Rental Assistance Program
- FCC Emergency Broadband Benefit Program will provide discounts for accessing the Internet:
- The program begins on May 12, 2021.
- To apply online or print/mail application:
- Up to $50 for broadband services (up to $75 for Tribal land households)
- One time $100 discount for a laptop, desktop computer or tablet purchase
- A list of Oregon service providers participating:
- Eligibility is broad (low income, impacted by COVID-19, SNAP recipients, Lifeline program, free and reduced-price school lunch program, and anyone who experienced a substantial loss in income during 2020 (see the FCC FAQ website for more information). To see a table for what is considered low-income visit the Allconnect blog:
- Broadband and Cable Companies Participating with links in all states (including Oregon):
Mail / Voting
- US Post Office Residential Disruptions
- Voting, Jackson County Clerk Check the Jackson County Clerk site for all voting information
Medical and Healthcare Insurance
- OHP Coordinated Care Organizations (CCO’s) will help sign up and manage the Oregon Health Plan, to see a list of providers by county visit
- Oregon Health Plan (OHP)
Mental Health Resources
- For emergencies call 911
- For 24-hour mental health crisis support call or visit Jackson County Mental Health 140 S Holly St, Medford, OR 97501. 541-774 8201 or
- Alcoholism Treatment a blog with help identifying and treating alcoholism
- Addiction Long Term Treatment Resources in Oregon
- BRC Blog on Addiction
- Community Works Helpline 541-779-HELP – 24-hour helpline
- Crisis Text lineorg Text HOME to 747-747
- Current Mental Health Providers in the Rogue Valley http//
- Drug and Alcohol Abuse Hotlines:
- Family Nurturing Center provides mental health support for families impacted by the wildfires and COVID-19
- Jackson County Community Long-Term Recovery Group (housing, food, mental health, social support, citizen/emergency alerts, legal aid insurance, addiction, business support, and document replacement)
- Jackson County Mental Health 140 S Holly St, Medford, OR 97501. 541-774-8201
- National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255
- National Disaster Distress Helpline 800.985.5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746 to connect with a trained crisis counselor
- Rehab.Com enter your zip code to find local Mental Health, Physical Therapy and Addiction Treatment providers
- Treating Alcoholism offers help for alcohol use disorders and treatment
Guide to Pet Safety During Natural Disasters
- No Pet Left Behind is also providing food for cats and dogs.
- Lost Pets email: If you have a lost animal you can also email or In the email provide animal, breed color, outstanding features, age, weight, male or female, spayed or neutered, chipped or not chipped. The organization is also asking you to provide the color of the collar, or any other physical characteristics that could help locate your animal. Provide the date and time your animal was lost, and owner name and contact information.
Preparedness (General)
- 72 Hour Kit Checklist:
- Are Wildfires Covered by Homeowners Insurance? Blog article addressing insurance questions related to wildfires
- Asbestos – Dangers: the following article spells out asbestos exposures and important information for home owners to determine if they might be at risk:
- Car Emergency Kit Checklist:
- DIY Air Filter: from the Oregon Health Authority, a “do it yourself” air filter to help with smoke
- Emergency Legal Documents:
- Family Emergency Plan:
- From Evacuation Plans to Insurance Coverage: Emergency Preparedness For Seniors article:
- Guide to Securing Important Documents in the Event of a Disaster a resource from Adobe to help store important documents including a checklist to track important documents in case an emergency occurs
- How to Protect Your Home Against Wildfires
- Natural Disaster Risk Management Plan for Businesses
- Preparing for Disaster for People with Disabilities and Other Special Needs:
- Preparedness Guide.Org:
- Printable Generator Maintenance List:
- Starting an Emergency Fund for natural disasters or personal emergencies
- Wildfire Preparedness Guide for Homeowners
- Wildfire Safety Guide:
Replacing Documents
- Jackson County Community Long-Term Recovery Group (housing, food, mental health, social support, citizen/emergency alerts, legal aid insurance, addiction, business support, and document replacement)
- Oregon Building Codes Division can help people locate home ownership documents
- State of Oregon Providing Vital Records. Oregon is providing copies of vital records at no charge. For more information visit the State of Oregon website
Seniors and People with Physical
- Guide to Securing Important Documents in the Event of a Disaster a resource from Adobe to help store important documents including a checklist to track important documents in case an emergency occurs
- Preparedness Article For Seniors – From Evacuation Plans to Insurance Coverage:
- Preparing for Disaster for People with Disabilities and Other Special Needs:
- Services for Seniors and People with Physical Disabilities: Medicaid programs, food and nutrition services, report abuse and neglect. 2860 State St, Medford, OR 97504-8474 – Phone (541) 776-6222 or 1-866-405-6042
- Southern Oregon Lions Sight & Hearing Center(SOLSHC) at 228 N Holly St in Medford. People who have lost their eyeglasses during the fire and evacuation can receive replacement, reconditioned glasses from the Lions.
- The person needs to present a valid prescription from their optometrist or ophthalmologist to allow a proper prescription match.
- Your eye doctor should be able to provide the prescription from their records.
- SOLSHC hours are limited. Please call 541-779-3653 for available times.
- IRS Disaster Assistance and Emergency Relief for Individuals and Business
- Jackson County Assessor Property Tax application adjustment (proration) due to the wildfires
Where to Give (Donations)
- CAUSA donations used to purchase emergency supplies for immigrant Oregonians who have been evacuated or lost their homes due to the wildfires. CAUSA wildfire donation link.
- Good Will Taking donations of clothing, towels, bedding and home furnishings directly to any Goodwill drop off site that is open. (They do not accept food, pet food, hygiene products, or diapers). https//
- Jackson County Salvation Army https//
- COM list of places to donate including places of worship and schools https//
- LATINX Relief Fund is a GoFundMe page to support the communities of Talent, Phoenix, and Medford impacted by the Almeda fires
- MRG Foundation The Rogue Valley Relief Fund will go directly to help people most impacted by fires in the Rogue Valley
https// - Oregon Volunteers in Disaster (ORVID)
- Our Family Farms is receiving donations to aid farmworkers impacted by the fires
- Phoenix Talent Fire Relief Fund Helps families from Phoenix and Talent who have lost their homes or had to be evacuated because of the fire. Make checks payable to Jackson County School District #4 and mail to PO Box 937, Medford, OR 97501.
- Rogue Credit Union has set up a relief fund https//
- Rogue Food Unites is coordinating food businesses, farms, and cultural organizations to meet the acute demand for regional support with a community-driven meal preparation and delivery program. https//
- Rogue Valley Preparedness and Recovery Hub https//
- Unete Center for Farm Worker Advocacy Immigrant Fire Relief Fund. http//
- United Way of Jackson County Fire Fund http//
- Southern Oregon Education Service District Support for migrant and indigenous families who lost their homes. Make checks payable to SOESD Migrant Education and mail to 487 Rock Street, Ashland, OR 97520
- Tool Share Habitat for Humanity is looking for donations of tools to share for anyone who plans to return to a lost home. Questions please call 541-7791983 or email
Notifications and Updates (Fire, Evacuation and Air Quality)
- Emergency Management Interactive Map: provides real-time access to a range of detailed Census Bureau data about the people living and working in areas affected by hurricanes, floods, wildfires, winter storms, and federal disaster declaration areas.
- Fire Updates Jackson County Emergency Response Website
- Latest evacuation maps (showing evacuation zones) https//
- Jackson County Community Long-Term Recovery Group (housing, food, mental health, social support, citizen/emergency alerts, legal aid insurance, addiction, business support, and document replacement)
- Notifications Sign Up for Citizen Alert
- Roads Oregon Dept. of Transportation – TripCheck
Rogue Valley Rapid Response Team:
Tyler Worthley – 541-842-2579 or
Greg Thweatt – 541-842-2621 or