Wildfire Resources

Business Funds and Cashflow

Visit the RogueBusiness website (http://roguebusiness.org/) to find funding and cashflow assistance for businesses and organizations impacted by the fires.

If you have questions or additional resources to share, join the RogueBusiness Connections LinkedIn group.


The resources below are for individuals, businesses and organizations impacted by wildfires.

Sources are local, state and federal including Recovery Resources, Clothing/Bedding/Household resources, Food, Mail/Voting, Pets, Recovery for Businesses and Organizations, Replacing Documents, Taxes, Transportation and places to Donate.

Search Icon 176556

To search by a key word hold the Ctrl (Control) button then press the F button.

Concise List of Resources for Businesses and Organizations Lista Concisa de Recursos Para Empresas y Organizaciones

Printable List of Resources Below With FEMA Forms

loading zone Icon 23840Cleanup and Debris Removal

Recovery Resources for Individuals, Businesses and Organizationshelp Icon 3337773

Clothing, Bedding and Household Resourcesclothing Icon 1446863

  • Ashland Chamber of Commerce check the Chamber website for a list of Ashland businesses providing clothes/supplies
  • Ashland Christian Fellowship Shelter 50 W Hersey; Providing day time shelter, food, hot meals and clothing
  • Jackson County Libraries free new and gently used toys, books and games at their Ashland, Central Point, Jacksonville, Medford and White City locations.  Visit their website for library days and times that they are open – https://jcls.org/home (note: please DO not drop off donations, they have received an overwhelming response)
  • KTVL.COM list of resources including shelter, food, clothing and hygiene supplies https//ktvl.com/news/local/fire-resources-want-to-help-need-help
  • Rogue Valley Recovers Fill out of the “I Have a Need” form on the Rogue Valley Preparedness Hub. roguevalley.recovers.org/
  • Teresa McCormick Center 2500 S Pacific Hwy (left on Bear Creek Corporation Dr – Harry and David Offices); Hours Those affected by the fires (Clothing, hygiene, linens, some camping gear, back packs and other basic essentials).

EmploymentWork Icon 2082375

  • Unemployment Insurance if you have lost your employment you may qualify for unemployment insurance benefits.
    • You can start the process by visiting https//secure.emp.state.or.us/, call 877-345-3484.
    • Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA – COVID related) 1-833-410-1004 or 503-370-5400.
    • You can attend a weekly live webinar to explain how to start the process (Rapid RePlacement webinar), to sign up for a session https//forms.gle/48LAUcCmYHvavoDE9
  • Training and Employment services are available in Medford (541-776-6060) and Grants Pass (541) 476-1187

FoodFood box Icon 1449771

Housing Icon 897717

Housing and Rental Assistance

Internetinternet Icon 3768276

Mail / VotingMail Icon 3533510

Medical and Healthcare Insurance

Healthcare Icon 3364057

Mental Health Resourcesgood mental health Icon 2686188


Exit Icon 43830

Preparedness (General)

Document Icon 3533642

Replacing Documents

Glasses Icon 386263

Seniors and People with Physical

Where to Give (Donations)donation Icon 2854270

Notifications and Updates (Fire, Evacuation and Air Quality)

Rogue Valley Rapid Response Team:

Tyler Worthley – 541-842-2579 or tyler@rogueworkforce.org

Greg Thweatt 541-842-2621 or greg@rogueworkforce.org