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Greg Thweatt

RWP Workforce Board Meeting Recorded April 30, 2021

By News, Video

Quarterly Workforce Board Meeting for the Roque Workforce Partnership conducted on Zoom, April 30, 2021.

The meeting included:

– Economic Update by Guy Tauer, Oregon Employment Department Regional Economist (first 15 minutes)
– RWP Strategic Roadmap
– SOHOPE, Personal Effectiveness & Essential Employability Skills, Benefit Cliff
– Communications Outreach and Engagement (RogueCareers, Social Media, Communications Co-Investment Model)
– Hands-On Career Exploration Events
– Reimaging Workforce Rogue Valley
– Reimaging Higher Education (honoring Linda Schott)
– State and Federal Policy Advocacy and Alignment

View the full meeting video.

Layoff Aversion Grant for  Restaurants

By News

The Rogue Workforce Partnership will have a limited amount of funding that can help support and sustain local restaurants during this challenging time.  Grant applicants need to:

  • Have at least 3 employees
  • Be solely located in either Jackson or Josephine county
  • And are not part of a regional or national chain

Preference will be given to applicants who have sought Technical Assistance from the Oregon Restaurant COVID Assistance (ORCA) project. Connect with your local ORCA advisor: Michael Lainoff, ORCA Project,, (541) 896-1714 –

Awards are between $500 and $1200.  Funds are limited so apply soon.  Click on the button below to apply online.  For more information, including possible expenditure requests, view the Flyer for Restaurant Employers.

Online Application

RWP Workforce Board Meeting Recorded January 15, 2021

By News, Uncategorized

Quarterly Workforce Board Meeting for the Roque Workforce Partnership conducted on Zoom, January 15, 2021.

The meeting included:

– Economic Update by Guy Tauer, Oregon Employment Department Regional Economist
– Review of the Local WIOA Plan
– RWP Strategic Roadmap
– Reimaging Workforce Rogue Valley

To view the full meeting video click HERE.

Workforce Board Quarterly Meeting 9.30.2020

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The Rogue Workforce Partnership Board met on September 30th and included elections, budget approval, Wildfire updates, addition of the Wildland Firefighting/Forestry sector, Strategic Roadmap, Essential/Personal Effectiveness Skills, Reimaging Higher Education and honoring Ron Fox.
To view the video click HERE.

newsletter and mouse

September Workforce Systems Quarterly Newsletter

By News

The September Workforce Systems Quarterly Newsletter is HERE!

This quarter’s issue discusses:

– Wildland Fire Workforce Response
– Sector Strategy Updates (including the launch of Wildland Firefighting/Forestry and Construction)
– Reinventing Job Recruitment in the Age of COVID-19
– RCC’s new Health Professions Center
– Caregiver’s and CNA Training
– WorkSource Rogue Valley’s One-Stop Center Update
– College Dreams is now Project Youth+
– Personal Effectiveness and Essential Employability Skills updates
– Reimagining Higher Education
– Initiatives to expand Broadband Internet Access and Child Care capacities
– Grant updates
– Welcome to Susan Bruce
– and Remembering Ron Fox

Rogue Valley Wildfire Resources

By News

A list of Donation and Recovery resources can be downloaded as a PDF. Click HERE to view the list. As new resources are added we will update the list.

There is also a Wildfire Resource webpage.

Thank you to all the First Responders, Firefighters, Utility Workers and Volunteers who are working so hard to support our communities.