Documents, Infographics, Flyers and Guides for Worksource staff and partners.
to search use Ctrl (Control) + F keys
Numeric Title
211 may be able to help you identify, navigate, and connect with the local resources you need. Some of the services they can connect you to are:
- Help to pay rent or to find housing
- Help to pay utility bills
- Help to get groceries or other food, like food boxes or food pantries
- Help finding and paying for child care
- Cash benefits
- Immediate help for people in a domestic violence situation
- Transportation help
- Resources for immigrant and undocumented communities
Visit for more, call 2-1-1, or 1-866-698-6155 (free language interpreters available by phone).
TTY: Dial 711 and call 1-866-698-6155
Text: Text your zip code to 898211 (TXT211) (English and Spanish)
Email: (English and Spanish)
988 – text , call, or chat for suicide and crisis lifeline help.
AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Emerging Technologies
- Advancing AI For Everyone Google site provides an overview of AI, steps on using AI responsibly, and their related tools.
- AI Guidebook Google curation of resources to help with marketing, AI applications, suggestions for strategies/usage, legislative actions forecasts, and a guide for creating organizational guardrails in the use of AI.
- AI in HR – The Future of Performance Reviews an article that looks at how AI can be used to promote a healthier HR process of performance reviews.
- AI Prompt Guide for Beginners Microsoft provides a tutorial on prompts (an important understanding when asking AI questions).
- Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning report by the US Office of Educational Technology (a branch of the US Dept of Ed.) including a short handout from the report on the Core Messages.
- Artificial Intelligence and Worker Well-being: Principles and Best Practices for Developers and Employers from the US Department of Labor, a roadmap for employers with AI in the workplace.
- Business Trends and Outlook Survey – click the “AI Supplement” tab and then choose the State option to see businesses in Oregon who are reporting AI used with their work
- ChatGPT an AI tool, requires a login to be created for the free version, an optional paid version offers access to additional features (more powerful, faster, and access to browser, plugins, and computer code generation).
- Federal Authorities that review equity with AI (this PDF is an announcement with Congress looking into equity with AI).
- Gemini an AI tool developed by Google.
- Imagine an AI tool to generate images and art.
- MidJourney an AI tool to generate images and art, use the Beta version or sign in with Discord.
- Microsoft Resources
- AI Government Agencies Infographic an one page infographic providing a roadmap/guide for government agencies in the use of Artificial Intelligence
- Microsoft AI Landing Page shares current Microsoft products (including Azure and CoPilot)
- Microsoft for Government and Industries explore AI options for both government agencies and select industry sectors.
- Microsoft Public Sector Center of Expertise and Digital Skills tools and insights to drive digital innovation within the public sector. Includes valuable lessons, expert insights, skill-building resources, and best practices designed for AI and digital transformation.
- Standford AI Trends
- What is AI (overviews and explanations of the different types of AI)?
- BuiltIn article
- Datacamp article (includes occupation growth data)
- Springboard article
- Ways You Can (and Shouldn’t) Use AI Tools to Help with Your Job Search – a USC Online article to help job seekers
- Where exactly are all the AI jobs? Oregon Capital Chronicle published September, 2024.
- xD Project, US Census Bureau is an emerging technologies group that’s advancing the delivery of data-driven services through new and transformative technologies.
Accessibility – see Disabilities (People with) Resources
- For Local NCRC information go to the NCRC section
- What is the ACT/NCRC (for Oregonians, Employers, Organizations, and Schools)? ACT (Oregon) Web Page
- ACT® WorkKeys®—Learn More
- ACT® WorkKeys® Curriculum—Learn More
- ACT® WorkKeys® National Career Readiness CertificateTM—Learn More
- ACT® WorkKeys® Profiling—Learn More
- ACT® Work Ready Communities—Learn More
Advertising (Outreach and Communications related to WIOA funds)
- Alternative Text guidance from Section 508 of the Government Services Administration (GSA) on accessibility of websites or information technology related resources.
- CFR 200.403 provides factors affecting allowability costs
- CFR 200.421 defines advertising and public relations including meetings, conventions, and conferences
- Limited English Proficiency (LEP.Gov) includes resources to assist with communications for participants with limited English proficiencies
- TEGL 03-23 outlines Allowable Uses of Funds for Outreach Activities for Federal Formula and Competitive Grant Awards
- WIOA 188 Guide offers guidance on developing resources that support individuals with disabilities (includes a Word document link)
- Workforce GPS Recorded Webinar provides guidance of how to implement TEGL-03-23
- Workforce GPS Recorded Webinar on using Social Media for outreach and marketing
- Apprenticeship Programs (on Rogue Careers)
- Healthcare Apprenticeship Resources Playbook prepared by the Health Careers Advancement Program (HCAP) by Laura Ginsburg or view a Presentation PDF Slide Deck
- Oregon Apprenticeship Return on Investment Calculator
- Archiving Labels – WIOA Adult/DW or WIOA Youth (both include Discretionary Funds)
Bank On Oregon – see Financial Literacy
Basic Skills Deficient
Behavioral Health – see Mental Health
- Federal Bonding Program: the Oregon Employment Department participates in the Federal Bonding Program. Employers can receive $5,000 fidelity bonds, free of charge, as an incentive to hire job seekers who do not qualify for commercial fidelity bonds.
- Work Opportunity Tax Credit:(WOTC) is a Federal tax credit designed to incentivize employers to hire individuals who face barriers to employment
Career Coaching Resources
- Breaking Down Bias in Career Assessments – a short article and five minute audio version looking at how career and occupational development coaches can assess bias when assessing job seekers (from CareerWise).
- CareerWise Tips and Training – actionable advice, tools and professional development for career practitioners and those they serve.
- Workforce GPS – Sponsored by the Employment and Training Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor, WorkforceGPS was developed specifically for workforce professionals, educators, and business leaders.
Career Flyers for Participants:
- Career Flyers for Participants has been moved to the WSRV web site. Visit the WSRV Flyers and Handouts for Participants website.
Careers In Gear
Career Staff Map and On-Boarding Guides:
- Caregiver On-Call Flyer for Employers (August 2021)
- Caregiver Personal Care Aide (Healthcare) Staff Map and On-Boarding Guide
- Child Care / Early Childhood Educator Staff Map and On-Boarding Guide
- Natural Resources Staff Map and On-Boarding Guide
- Wildland Firefighter and Natural Resources – Grayback posters
Career Information System (CIS)
- CIS Website
- Easy to Use Getting Started with CIS Handout (Josephine County, Grants Pass or Jackson County, Medford)
- Information for Educators and Workforce Professionals (About CIS)
Child Care and Early Childhood Education (ECE)
- Caring For Our Children – report on Child Care by the The League Of Women Voters Of Oregon (January 2023)
- Child Care/ECE Community Flyer (English – Spanish)
- Child Care/ECE Workforce Staff Guide to help an Oregonian start their career in Child Care or Early Childhood Education.
- Employer Child Care Toolkit
- Oregon Early Childhood Education and Care Providers Licensing from Oregon Early Childhood
- WSRV Child Care Internship Checklist
- WSRV Child Care Internship Flyer (2024) page 1 and 2 in English, page 3 in Spanish
- WSRV-Child-Care-Internship-Process-Diagram
Community Resources
- an extensive list of resources that can also be accessed by using 2-1-1 on a phone. Language interpreters are available.
- Family Support and Connections Program part of ODHS this program serves families with children under 18 that meet income guidelines and are not active with Child Welfare services.
- Mid Rogue Mobile Navigators: (sponsored by AllCare) provides navigation assistance with financial assistance, housing, job search, vital records, legal assistance, life skills, mailing addresses, SNAP, OHP, phone, and transportation – Flyer of Services (English or Spanish) and Foundry Residencial Housing (English and Spanish)
- ODHS Community List an Excel spreadsheet of local community resources. Open and save.
- Rogue Valley Community Organization Smartsheet List
- Aspen Institute, Aspen Digital Cybersecurity – resources by industry, government, and civil society leaders relate to cybersecurity
- Cybersecurity Self Assessment – a free self assessment for organizations, businesses, or individuals related to cybersecurity
Demographic Data (Jackson and Josephine Counties)
- Low Income and Poverty see Low Income and Poverty Guidelines (for eligibility with Federal and State programs)
- Population and Housing State Data US Census 2020 dashboard displays population and housing information by state and county.
- Rural/Frontier and Urban designation of cities zip codes (Excel spreadsheet)
For additional data visit the RWP Dashboards page
Digital/Information Literacy
- Information Literacy – a federal site that provides resources for Digital, Financial, and Health Literacy.
Disabilities (People with) Resources
- Accessibility Resources:
- Best and Worst Font Types and Colors for the Visually Impaired
- Handouts, Flyers, Social Media, and Website color recommendations for visually impaired: Handout or Venngage Website
- Preparing documents for visually impaired people – Macular Society
- Accessibility Design Resource Google provides guidelines when developing resources for peoples with disabilities.
- Center for Advancing Policy on Employment for Youth (CAPE-Youth) includes Transition Activities and Services for Justice-Involved Youth and Young Adults with Disabilities
- Creating Inclusive Career Pathways: Strategies for Success from the LEAD Center
- Disability Handout with definitions for WIOA IB Eligibility
- Employer-at-Injury Program encourages the early return to work of injured workers by helping lower an employer’s early return-to-work costs and claim costs
- Job Accommodations Network (JAN) A-Z of Disabilities and Accommodations.
- JAN Workplace Accommodation Toolkit for Employers
- Northwest ADA Center: providing information, training, and guidance for the American with Disabilities Act for the states of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. See their ADA Accessibility Checklists site.
- Oregon Workers’ Compensation Division
- Preferred Worker Program helps qualified Oregon workers who have permanent restrictions from on-the-job injuries and who are not able to return to their regular employment because of those injuries
- Promising Practices In Achieving Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity a Section 188 Disability Reference Guide includes examples of promising practices that can help promote equal access for individuals with disabilities to the American Job Center (One Stop) system for participants, employers, and workforce staff
- Section 188 Disability Guide: this tool/manual provides information and technical assistance for American Job Centers to meet the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements for individuals with disabilities (Section 188 of WIOA).
- Small Business Hub – the National Disability Institute’s Small Business Hub is a collaboration with over 40 organizations working together to help entrepreneurs and business owners with disabilities.
- State Exchange on Employment & Disability the DOL SEED is a collaboration that supports state and local governments in adopting and implementing inclusive policies and best practices that lead to increased employment opportunities for disabled people
- WIOA 188 Guide offers guidance on developing resources that support individuals with disabilities (includes a Word document link)
- Work at Home/Telework as a Reasonable Accommodation this FAQ fact sheet from the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) explains ways that employers may use existing telework programs or allow an individual to work at home as a reasonable accommodation
Disaster Grant (DWG)
- DWG Expanded Eligibility Request (fillable PDF)
- DWG Flyer for Employers (2023)
- DWG Internship Flyer for Participants (English or Spanish)
- DWG Providence Internship Flyer for Participants (English and Spanish)
- Worksite Process Flow for DWG Requests
Disaster Grant (Quest)
- DWG-Quest Staff Guide – overview of the grant as a deskside staff guide.
- Training And Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No. 2-22 Change 2 – overview of the DWG (Quest) grant including eligibility criteria and terminology.
Driving Prosperity (Good Jobs Challenge)
- Driving Prosperity (Good Jobs Challenge) Staff Flyer
- Getting Started with DocMgt is a guide on data entry for Driving Prosperity participants, this is in addition to I-Trac and eBridge.
- Good Jobs DocMgt Filing Name Conventions use this to name documents and place in correct category: PDF or Excel
- Job Quality Playbook is a guide for workforce and economic development agencies to learn more about why job quality matters, what components make a good job, and how to support both employers and workers.
- What is a Good Job? The US Department of Labor defines the characteristics of a good job; explains the importance, and outlines strategies to promote employer partnerships and workforce training (Training and Employment Guidance Letter No. 07-22).
Getting Started
- eBridge Login Portal (Adult and Youth) for the RWP ADULT and RWP YOUTH cabinets
- eBridge User Agreement (fillable PDF)
- eBridge Hardware and Application Requirements
Quick Resources to Help when Uploading into eBridge
- eBridge Required Document Checklist (fillable) WSRV and PY+
- eBridge Quick Starter Guide (Appendix D of Manual)
- eBridge File Names (Appendix C of Manual) shows all files names by Category in alphabetical order
- eBridge Descriptions and File Names (Excel Spreadsheet) download the spreadsheet that you can sort and filter by provider
Full Manual and Training Video
Education: Secondary (High School Diploma and GED) or Post Secondary (College and Apprenticeships)
- see Rogue Business Elevate
- WIOA Adult/DW (see WIOA)
- Emittr Knowledge Base search for answers to questions, there is no User’s Guide, this is their option
- Emitrr Youtube Channel contains tutorials on various features
Employability Skills:
- ⇒Essential Employability Skills Rubric (Rogue Valley Business and Education Partnership) updated June, 2022
- Essential Employability Skills Presentation (Rogue Valley Business and Education Partnership) PDF slide deck
- Oregon State Resources:
- Other Related Resources
- Humbolt County of Education “Success Skills Badges” includes online videos
- New World of Word Badges (view a PDF Slide Deck from a WSI Presentation)
- Pragmatic Soft Skills Infographic
- Bias Toolkit (xD Project, US Census Service) – toolkit that includes how to mitigate Bias in Job Postings.
- Employment Follow Up Form for WSRV and PYP – document used to ask participants to report employment or confirm they are still employed
- From Hard to Employ to I Got the Job! How to Do a Strength-Based Assessment – NAWDP article written by Larry Robbin
- New Directions in Employment and Training Research and Evaluation: Digital Employment Tools Created with Approaches from Human-Computer Interaction – a research paper from the US Department of Health & Human Services.
- How to Help the Hard-to-Employ Keep Job Hunting and Avoid Getting Job Search Burnout so They Can Get the Job! – NAWDP article written by Larry Robbin
- Radar Approach to Job Retention: A Strength-Based Proactive Prevention Based Model to Help People Keep Their Jobs – NAWDP article written by Larry Robbin
- Resumes – see Resumes and Cover Letter section
- Strengths-Based Approach to Eliminating Barriers to Employment in People Who Are Hard-to-Employ – NAWDP article written by Larry Robbin
- Ways You Can (and Shouldn’t) Use AI Tools to Help with Your Job Search – a USC Online article to help job seekers
- What are Some Low-Cost Ways to Invest in Your Career Development? – a LinkedIn online article
Entrepreneur and Self-Employment
- Business Ownership, Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship Among People with Disabilities – US DOL Blog supporting small businesses owned by people with disabilities.
- Entrepreneurship Training for S. Oregon Forest Workers: Project Overview and Flyer.
- GCAP Oregon APEX Accelerator: part of a nationwide network of APEX Accelerators working to help businesses compete successfully in the government marketplace (contracts).
- Oregon Self Employment (SEA) Program: the site includes information on their weekly webinars to help get started
- National Science Foundation (NSF) Innovation Corps (I-Corps™): entrepreneurial training program that facilitates the transformation of invention to impact
- Resources for Small Businesses: from Benefits.Gov, a list of SBA loans for small businesses
- Rogue Business: resources for employers in the Rogue Valley
- Small Business Development Center (SBDC) – Jackson County at SOU (click SBDC Contact Us)
- Small Business Development Center (SBDC) – Josephine County at RCC
- SBDC Entrepreneurs Commercial Cookspace – RCC Illinois Valley Business Entrepreneurial Center
- Small Business Hub – the National Disability Institute’s Small Business Hub is a collaboration with over 40 organizations working together to help entrepreneurs and business owners with disabilities.
- USDOT Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization information on small business assistance, small business loans for women and veterans, and more small business resources.
- Using County Business Patterns (CBP) and Nonemployer Statistics (NES) to Make Informed Business Decisions for Self- Employed NES offers data for businesses with no paid employees (self-employed) and are subject to federal income tax. In this webinar, you will learn what CBP and NES characteristics are provided and how to use these economic data by industry in making informed business decisions.
Equal Employment Opportunity and Grant Language for Documents
- Language to include on all WSRV or PY+ documents and flyers for EEO or Grants (PDF)
- Section 188 Disability Guide: this tool/manual provides information and technical assistance for American Job Centers to meet the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements for individuals with disabilities (Section 188 of WIOA).
- ETP Oregon Policy
- ETP Quick Reference Guide: High-level overview of some of the key requirements that WIOA applies to states with respect to the ETP list.
- Process to add a new Training Provider to the Oregon ETPL
- Oregon Website: for more information and to view ETPL lists (Oregon, Washington, and Idaho)
- TEGL 08-19: This guidance provides guidance and describes requirements relating to the eligibility provisions for the WIOA State list of Eligible Training Providers.
- TEGL 08-19, Change 1: This guidance provides clarifications on Registered Apprenticeship Programs as eligible training providers, including clarification on National Registered Apprenticeship Programs.
Fair Chance (participants with a criminal background, also known as Second Chance, Justice Involved, Returning Citizen)
- Bonding and Work Opportunity Tax Credit – see Bonding section
- Center for Advancing Policy on Employment for Youth (CAPE-Youth) includes Transition Activities and Services for Justice-Involved Youth and Young Adults with Disabilities
- Felony Record Hub – free advice for jobs, housing, and reentry programs.
- Inside Out Network inmates and returning citizens can search, find relevant matches and directly message service providers.
- Jackson County Community Justice one-page flyer with Adult, Juvenile, and Transition Center services.
- Mid Rogue Mobile Navigators: (sponsored by AllCare) provides navigation assistance with legal assistance
- Oregon Reentry Court Program Summary
- Supportive Services and Rentry – this site includes a link to the DOL overview of WIOA Support Services available for participants reentering the workforce after leaving the justice system
- Supportive Service Desk Guide for Rentry – this desk guide supplements the DOL overview of WIOA Support Services.
Fair Labor Standards Act (FSLA)
- Pump to Work: FSLA guidance on protecting mothers’ rights when nursing children at work
- Wage and Hour Division, U.S. Department of Labor: the US Federal site providing resources for the essential protection of workers.
Financial Literacy
- Bank On Oregon – see below
- Banking Tutorials for Oregonians
- Financial Exploration: After High School, Banking, Cars, Credit and Loans, Goal Setting, Investing, Money Management, and Retiring
- Information Literacy – a federal site that provides resources for Digital, Financial, and Health Literacy.
- Mid Rogue Mobile Navigators: (sponsored by AllCare) provides navigation assistance with financial assistance – Flyer of Services (English or Spanish).
- Resources for Businesses
Bank On Oregon
- Bank on Oregon Website
- Why use Bank on Oregon to Open a Bank Account?
- Simple Steps on Opening a Bank Account
- Participating Financial Institutions
- Managing your Finances (Financial Literacy) … resources to help with financial literacy
- Handouts
- Bank on Oregon Website
Future Ready
Good Jobs see Driving Prosperity
Grants (General)
- Grants.Gov the US Grants website includes learning about grants and searching for federal offerings.
- Oregon Serves provides ongoing grants with AmeriCorps.
Grievance and Complaints Resources
- Flyers – WorkSource Rogue Valley
- Heathcare Careers – Rogue Careers
- Information Literacy – a federal site that provides resources for Digital, Financial, and Health Literacy.
- Mid Rogue Mobile Navigators: (sponsored by AllCare) provides navigation assistance with OHP, phone – Flyer of Services (English or Spanish).
High School Diploma – see Education: Secondary (High School Diploma and GED) or Post Secondary (College and Apprenticeships)
Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC)
- Access Shelter: in Medford providing rental/home assistance, support services for those impacted by wildfires, Veteran rental assistance, and severe weather shelter
- Breath of Life (Turning Point Project): in Medford an affordable homeowner project
- Firebrand Resiliency Project: working with the Almeda Zone Captains, Breath of Life, and ReOregon offers financial assistance through the Homeowner Assistance Reconstruction Program (HARP), offering to help homeowners repair, rebuild, or replace homes lost or damaged in the 2020 Labor Day Disasters
- Habitat for Humanity (Rogue Valley):
- Housing Authority of Jackson County
- Housing Authority of Josephine County
- Mid Rogue Mobile Navigators: (sponsored by AllCare) provides navigation assistance with housing – Flyer of Services (English or Spanish) and Foundry Residencial Housing (English and Spanish)
- Oregon Housing and Community Services
- Turning Point Program: residential program operating under the Josephine County Juvenile Justice Department that serves males and females ages 13-17 in need of residential services.
Immigration, Migrant Workers, Refugees, Asylees, and Undocumented Communities
- may be able to help identify, navigate, and connect with local resources
- Citizenship Application and Testing Resources
- Jackson County Library
- Literacy Council for Jackson County
- Literacy Council for Josephine County
- Lutheran Community Services Northwest, Citizenship Program offers online classes to become a US citizen (note that online classes will say that the first and last class are in-person, participants from our region are exempt for these due to travel), it also includes a free meeting with an immigration counselor, and help with the cost of the citizenship application cost for participants 400% above or below the poverty line.
- Nazarene Legal Immigration Clinic
- Unete
- Unite Oregon
- Rogue Community College
- Handbook for Employers M-274
- How Do I Know if an Immigrant or Refugee is Eligible for WIOA Title I Services? (2020): from the Michigan Department of Talent and Economic Investment
- Immigrant Refugee Student Success: maintained by the Oregon Department of Education, the site was designed to address barriers to educational success for Oregon students who identify as Immigrant/Refugee. There is a extensive list of resources for peoples of all cultures.
- Limited English Proficiency (LEP.Gov) includes resources to assist with communications for participants with limited English proficiencies
- Migrant Worker.Gov provide useful information to help protect the rights of all U.S. workers, regardless of their immigration status (English, Spanish, Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, Tagalog and Vietnamese)
- Migrant Workers Rights Youtube Channel short videos to support migrant workers by the US Department of Labor.
- Refugee Definitions (US Citizens and Immigration Services, 2023)
- Reporting Terminology and Definitions (Department of Homeland Security, 2023)
- Services to Refugees Q&A a curated list of questions from a Workforce GPS Webinar on this topic, this is full of resources and guidance to questions related to assisting immigrants and refugees obtain education and employment related services.
- TEGL 02-14 Eligibility of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Participants (USDOL, 2014)
- Unete provides resource navigation, community education, and advocacy for the Rogue Valley Spanish and Migrant Worker community (including first generation immigrants, DACA recipients, farm workers and bicultural families)
- USCIS I-9 Central: assist employers and employees with the I-9 process upon hire
- Workforce GPS Resources for New Immigrants and Refugees: sponsored by the Employment and Training Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor, this page contains curated resources to help you provide training and employment services to job seekers who may have recently resettled to the U.S. and/or are from underrepresented populations who may use English as a second language.
Information Technology and E-Commerce
- Aspen Institute Future of Technology – publications including the impacts (potential for positive and negative) on the workplace
- Flyers – WorkSource Rogue Valley
- Information Technology and E-Commerce Careers – Rogue Careers
Internet and Telephone Resources for Low-Income Populations
- Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) – site includes flyers and a link to GetInternet.Gov
- Lifeline – Federal support program with links to the application process
- Mid Rogue Mobile Navigators: (sponsored by AllCare) provides navigation assistance phone – Flyer of Services (English or Spanish).
Internships – see Work Experience / Internships
WSRV Child Care Internship – see Child Care
Individual Training Account (ITA) see Occupational Skills Training (OST)
I-Trac (see WIOA IB)
JOBS Program
Justice Involved – see Fair Chance
Labor Market Information
- Applying LMI to Service Delivery Design
- An Introduction to Census Data a quick online tutorial for beginner census bureau data users.
- Career One Stop federal resources for training, careers, and jobs
- CIS (Career Information System) that provides a system of occupational and educational information to help Oregonians learn about the world of work and education
- Department of Labor (DOL) Equity Action Plan – This Equity Action Plan from 2022 highlights the mission of DOL to improve the well-being and service offerings for historically marginalized populations and communities. This document offers key strategies being implemented from a data perspective to support and embed equity into the system’s service delivery.
- Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Workforce Data Hub ETA’s Workforce Data Hub is a one-stop shop for public-facing datasets.
- Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLT) from the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics
- Labor Market and Business Intelligence: How They Guide Your Way
- Labor Market Data Sources for Targeting Services to Special Populations
- LMI Training Gateway: Learn about LMI and How to Translate Data into Decision-Making
- O*NET federal occupation and careers data center
- QualityInfo Oregon’s Employment Department data center
- Taking the Guesswork Out of Labor Market Analysis Workforce GPS resource with multiple LMI resources
- US Bureau of Labor and Statistics
- US Census Bureau
- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) by the Numbers Interactive Data Analysis Tool – This tool compiles performance data submitted by states on an annual basis to ETA and displays data on participants served under WIOA and the performance outcomes.
Layoff Aversion
- Local Resource for Employers
- Governor’s Reserve Funds Policy includes Layoff Aversion, Additional Assistance, and Gap Fill requests. Form to request these funds.
Legal to Work – see Work Authorization
- Beloved Arise : mentorship program with LGBTQIA+ adults of faith, resource guides by religion.
- Capacity Building Center for Tribes (funded by HHS Children’s Bureau): trainings and webinars on gender diverse indigenous youth, tribe to tribe sample case management document sharing.
- DEIA In Action: Strategies to Support LGBTQIA+ Youth Webcast – WorkforceGPS provides two recordings of a webcast from July 2024 offering proven approaches and best practices that can help workforce programs build the capacity of their staff and create more inclusive, supportive environments for LGBTQIA+ youth.
- It Gets Better: a visual glossary of terminology, toolkits, long-term video project in which allies, leaders, and thriving LGBTQIA+ adults uplift youth who are frightened or in despair.
- Point Foundation: scholarship funding for LGBTQIA+ students in need pursuing associate, bachelor, master, or doctoral degrees or cosmetology certification, additional scholarship for LGBTQIA+ students of color can also fund trade school with intent to enroll in a 2-year degree program at minimum.
- The Trevor Project: 24/7 national suicide crisis hotline for LGBTQIA+ youth accessible by phone: 1-866-488-7386, text: 678-678, or online chat; public education; online community for youth.
- Queer Coffee House @ the Library is held the first Tuesday of every month, 5:30 pm – 7 pm at Medford Library Adams Conference Room, 205 South Central Avenue, Medford OR 97501. Every month a variety of activities are provided such as watch movies, play games, build community, and share favorite books, movies, podcasts, and more. LGBTQ+ folks and allies are all welcome!
- Resources to Support the Career Development of Transgender People – online article by CareerWise.
- So Health-E advocacy for health equity
- Southern Pride
- Southern Oregon Coast Pride
- Tips for the LGBTQIA+ Community to Improve Your Physical and Mental Health
- TransCanWork nonprofit organization based in Los Angeles, California and is committed to advancing workplace inclusion through innovative training strategies and workforce development. Many resources are available online.
- TransPonder is a transgender-founded and led nonprofit based in Eugene, Oregon providing support, resources, and education for the transgender and gender-diverse community and our allies. Many resources are available online. For product vouchers in Ashland visit their Voucher page.
- Umpqua Valley Rainbow Collective
LGBTQIA+ Youth Suicide Quick Guide
National Suicide Crisis Hotline is 988 (LGBTQIA+-specific services may be requested), always call 911 if a suicide attempt is imminent or in progress |
Online Chat or |
678-678 or 9-8-8 |
Phone 1-866-488-7386 or Dial 9-8-8 |
Living Wage Resources
- Living Wage Calculator the calculator shows hourly rates for individuals and households including typical salaries by sector for Jackson and Josephine counties.
- Oregon DHS Self Sufficiency Presentation a slide deck sharing an overview of ODHS Self Sufficiency programs including living wage support
- Prosperity Planner a step-by-step guide that calculates a living wage by Oregon county for individuals or households (results can be printed, in order to save a MyWorkSorce account must first be created)
- US DOL Occupational Employment and Wages at a glance for Medford and Grants Pass metropolitan areas.
Low Income and Poverty Guidelines (for eligibility with Federal and State programs)
- Federal and State Lists of HHS Poverty Guidelines – includes flyers and spreadsheet tools
- Lower Living Standard Income Level Guidelines (LLSIL) – Oregon Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Income Eligibility Table (Combined 70% LLSIL and HHS Poverty Income Guidelines) calculated annually
- WIOA Family Size and Income Guidelines
Measurable Skills Gain (MSG)
Mental Health
- Behavioral Health Careers and Resources – Rogue Careers
- Empower: site for coaching and workshops (Launch Pad, E3)
- National Safety Council Mental Health Cost Calculator: a simple-to-use calculator showing the costs associated with not providing employer-led support for mental health in the workplace, and the corresponding benefits.
- OSHA Workplace Stress Resources for Employers: guidance and tips for Senior Managers and Front-Line Supervisors (includes getting started guides, sample surveys, and helpful language)
- Using Behavioral Insight to Increase Youth Use of Workforce Services in Virtual Contexts: a US Department of Labor study supporting service engagement and completion among young adults (age 14 – 24).
Migrant Worker (see Immigration, Migrant Workers, Refugees, Asylees, and Undocumented Communities)
- MigrantWorker.Gov – the U.S. Department of Labor web site providing resources on worker rights, workplace safety and healthy, along with full payment of wages and support regardless of immigration status.
Minimum Wage
- Oregon Minimum Wage (from the Bureau of Labor and Industry, BOLI)
- Oregon Minimum Wage July 2023 Employer Poster
MOU and Infrastructure Costs
My WorkSource (MyWS)
- MyWS Getting Started Flyer (English and Spanish)
- Badges – “How to Use” Web Site
- County Stats from ACT: Jackson County or Josephine County
- Employer Resources:
- Employer NCRC Flyer
- Employer Letter of Support (fillable PDF)
- Employers List that Support NCRC: search Jackson County or Josephine County
- Employer Online ACT/NCRC Registration Link
- Employer Tool Kit (ACT Site)
- Participant Resources (about the NCRC, practice tests, and registration information on the WSRV website)
- Proctor Training Request – if you offer NCRC testing and would like to train staff on your team, have them fill out the simple request and someone will reach out to you. If you do not provide NCRC testing and would like to, e-mail
- Learn more about ACT, visit the ACT section
Occupational Skills Training (OST)
- CFR 680.230 explains the requirements for coordination of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act training funds and other grant assistance (state grants and Pell grant for example).
- Master Scholarship Packet for WIOA Title I Adult and Dislocated Worker OST requests.
- WIOA Scholarship Matrix for WIOA Title I Adult and Dislocated Worker OST requests.
One-Stop Operator
- One-Stop Operator RWP Policy see Policies and Strategic Documents under Program Specific Policies, Program Standards, and Guidance.
- WIOA One-Stop Operator System Infographic includes a list of required partners and references.
- Free Oregon OSHA Workplace Posters including Job Safety posters in multiple languages.
- Oregon OSHA Website
- OSHA New Resources and Toolbox Talks: OSHA has updated their resource page including Workplace Violence and Hazards.
Paid Leave
Pathways Home
- Pathways Home Infographic: an overview of the DOL Pathways Home grant.
Preferred Worker
- Oregon Preferred Worker Program Flyer (English and Spanish)
Professional Development
- Supervisors and Leadership of American Job Center Career Coaches – a Workforce GPS article that provides resources and articles for those who lead WIOA Career Coaches.
Rapid Response Packet Page (with all documents contained in a RRIS packet) English and other Languages as Available
——Rapid Response Workers ——
- Rapid Response Worker Occupation Matching Form: employers can give to employees to complete and then share with WSRV BST for possible job listing matches English or Spanish
- Worker Survey (online form English and Spanish)
- Layoff Support for Workers RWP Website
——Rapid Response Employers——
- Layoff Support for Employers RWP Website
- Rapid Response Employer Flyer: flyer for employers including WARN notice, Work Share, and Rapid Response information
——- Rapid Response Staff ——
- Rapid Response Flow Infographic
- Rapid Response Intake Forms: used when contacting an employer for the first time to gather information for help with layoffs:
- Rapid Response Packet Page (with all documents contained in a RRIS packet) English and other Languages as Available
- Rapid Reply Sign-in Sheet
- WSRV Rapid Response Information Session (RRIS) Powerpoint Presentation
- US Federal Sources for Health Care, SNAP, and UI
- Career & Training Service Referral Form – designed to facilitate partnerships between organizations and local service providers for Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth services.
Release of Information Forms (for Social Media, reports, and other documents written or digital)
- For Employer submitted images signed by Employee
- For Success Stories, go to the Success Story section
Rental Support
- Mid Rogue Mobile Navigators: (sponsored by AllCare) provides navigation assistance housing – Flyer of Services (English or Spanish) and Foundry Residencial Housing (English and Spanish)
- OHP Rental Assistance (along with bills, and heating/air conditioning) support, up to 6 months
- Rent Well
Rogue Careers
- Social Media Flyer (including information on all related Social Media connections)
Rogue Careers
- Social Media Flyer (including information on all related Social Media connections)
Rogue Community College (RCC)
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
- OSHA Safety – Evacuation Plans and Procedures eTool: This eTool* will help small, low-hazard service or retail businesses implement an emergency action plan, and comply with OSHA’s emergency standards.
- OSHA Popular Safety Downloads (in multiple languages)
- OSHA Safety Publications all in Spanish
- Youth@Work – Talking Safety Curriculum for Oregon
Senior Employment
- Easterseals – federally-funded program for older adults seeking employment and training. Visit WSRV to contact Easterseals staff in either Medford or Grants Pass work center.
- Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) – the US Department of Labor website for community service and work-based employment training programs for older Americans.
Sector (Target) Strategies
- Department of Labor Sector Strategies Framework: released August, 2024
- Department of Labor Sector Strategies Implementation Guide: released August, 2024
- Workforce GPS comprehensive website for implementation, action, and planning tools.
- Department of Labor Training and Employment Notice (TEN) 08-24: the purpose of this Training and Employment Notice (TEN) is to notify the public workforce system of the release of an updated Sector Strategies Framework.
- Rogue Workforce Partnership Target Sector Webpage
- Workforce GPS Sector Strategies Framework Introduction Webcast: a series of webcasts during 2024 and resources to assist in the development of Framework for Target Sector Strategies.
Social Security Disclosure Form
- Social Security Disclosure Form (PDF) – includes a signature field
- Social Security Disclosure Form (PDF) – no signature field
Social Security Disability Insurances Benefits
- Benefits.Gov site explains what SSDI is, who is eligible, and application information.
Spanish Speaking Resources
- Education Pays poster 2024 (Spanish) from QualityInfo also PDF and PNG
- La Clinica – providing health care (medical, dental, school-based, pharmacy, mobile health, behavioral, and education) and immigration medical exams for all Oregonians including Spanish speaking patients.
- Unete supporting farm workers and Latino immigrants in the Rogue Valley.
Student (Higher Education) Resources
- Loan Debt Help – student loan help from the Oregon Department of Financial Regulations.
- Loan Debt Repayment (Benefits.Gov) – resources for Student Loan Debt Repayment from Benefits.Gov
- More Financial Resources on Rogue Careers – includes help with FASFA or ORSAA, scholarships, grants, and links to Oregon colleges and universities.
Substance Abuse
- National Safety Council Substance Abuse Disorder Cost Calculator: a simple-to-use calculator showing the costs associated with not providing employer-led support for substance abuse disorders in the workplace, and the corresponding benefits.
- National Safety Council Opioids Toolkit: a free resource for employers with step-by-step directions. Designed for human resources, safety professionals, and supervisors.
Success Story and Photo/Release of Information Form
- Participant version (fillable) English or Spanish
- Release of Information form only English or Spanish
- Employer PDF version (fillable)
- Staff Guidelines for Completing Success Story PDF version Participant or Employer
Suicide Prevention
Support Services
- Connect IE a national service that can help find local resources.
- Mid Rogue Mobile Navigators: (sponsored by AllCare) provides navigation assistance with financial assistance, housing, job search, vital records, legal assistance, life skills, mailing addresses, SNAP, OHP, phone, and transportation – Flyer of Services (English or Spanish) and Foundry Residencial Housing (English and Spanish)
- Supportive Services and Rentry – this site includes a link to the DOL overview of WIOA Support Services available for participants
- Supportive Service Desk Guide for Rentry – this desk guide supplements the DOL overview of WIOA Support Services.
- Workforce Practitioner Guide to Support Services
Training Service Application
Tribal Resources
Transportation and Truck Driving
- Flyers – WorkSource Rogue Valley
- Mid Rogue Mobile Navigators: (sponsored by AllCare) provides navigation assistance with transportation – Flyer of Services (English or Spanish)
- Oregon Transportation Fees … site that provides fees related to obtaining a Commercial Drivers License (CDL)
- Truck Driver Pay/Mile to Hourly Wage Conversion Chart (PDF)
- Transportation Careers – Rogue Careers
Trauma (Support and Informed) Resources
- Careerwise – an online article providing resources to support learning on trauma and career development
Umbrella of Services (Rogue Valley Workforce Development and Partners)
Unemployment Insurance (UI)
Veteran Resources
- Boots to Business: Boots to Business (B2B) is an entrepreneurial education and training program offered by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), which provides an overview of entrepreneurship and applicable business ownership fundamentals. Active Duty Service members (including National Guard and Reserve), Veterans of all eras, and spouses are eligible to participate (one-page Flyer)
- VA Workforce Benefits Navigator Presentation: a PDF of a presentation provided for the Oregon Prosperity 10,000 Navigator initiative from September 28, 2023.
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)
Wage Convertor (for Staff)
- Truck Driver Pay/Mile to Hourly Wage Conversion Chart (PDF)
- Wage Convertor (WIOA): convert salary to hourly wage (from QualityInfo)
WINGS (for Staff)
WIOA IB Related Documents:
- Adult and Dislocated Worker Title IB Eligibility & Documentation Checklist (fillable PDF)
- Basic Skills Deficient Overview with definitions
- Basic Skills Deficient RWP One Page Assessment
- Child Account (Grant Funds) Documentation in IB Data Managment System
- Disability Handout with definitions for WIOA IB Eligibility
- Eligibility Determination Staff Deskside Checklist for (Word) (PDF)
- Eligibility Flow Infographic (PDF)
- Employment Information and Confirmation in I-Trac Procedure
- Individual Employment Plan (IEP) for Adult/DW and Adult Grants
- Low Income Eligibility Table for WIOA
- WIOA Family Size and Income Guidelines … see Low Income
- WIOA Performance Accountability Guidance: Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) 10-16
- WIOA Law “Where to Look” Related Resources a list of WIOA resources including Federal Law, regulations, and guidance for those overseeing and managing WIOA programs
- WIOA Service List (Excel workbook that is sortable)
I-Trac Wagner Peyser – OED (WP-OED) Fund
- I-Trac Wagner Peyser (WP) – OED Agenda and Signature document needed for approved training prior to use of I-Trac
- Wagner Peyser (OED) Fund FAQ Guide for Staff
I-Trac (WIOA IB Case Management System)
- Ask a Question post a question or comment for the new IB Eligibility (WOMIS Initial Registration, My WorkSource, and I-Trac) or OED Fund process. See all questions with replies.
- I-Trac Training Adult/DW Agenda and Signature to be used with approved training prior to access of the I-Trac system
- Training Slide Deck from November 29, 2023 watch the training Video Link (training has links to specific parts of the video in the description)
- WIOA IB Eligibility Introduction Video: Ami Maceira-McSparin of the Willamette Work Partnership has created a short (2 minutes and 30 seconds) video explaining why the changes are occurring and a quick overview of Adult and DW definitions.
- WIOA IB Title I Adult and DW Program I-Trac Manual Update: a very detailed document explaining each element in I-Trac with change from December, 2023.
Work Authorization (also known as Legal to Work)
- I-9 Form (page 2 has list of documents)
- I-9 Central Documentation Website
- Mid Rogue Mobile Navigators: (sponsored by AllCare) provides navigation assistance with vital records – Flyer of Services (English or Spanish) and Foundry Residencial Housing (English and Spanish)
Work Experience / Internships
DWG (see Disaster Grants section)
Project Youth+
- BBSI Referral Form
- DWG Internship Flyer for Participants (English or Spanish)
- Internship Placement Agreement
- WSRV Employer Internship Flyer
- WSRV Internship Handbook
- WSRV Internship Supervisor Handbook
- WSRV Internship Worksite Review Checklist
Worksource Oregon Operational Standards
- Training Videos for the WSO Operational Standards developed by the Willamette Workforce Partnership
- WSO Operational Standards site
- WorkSource Oregon Operational Standards
WSRV Services
- One Page Overview Infographic (page 1 English, page 2 Spanish)
- One Page Overview Infographic for High Schools (“Fast Track”) Flyer (page 1 English, page 2 Spanish)
- WSRV Scholarship Orientation Flyer – English
- Scholarship Master Packet
- Scholarship Matrix and Approval Form
Youth (WIOA)
- 14 Elements Resource Page an overview of the 14 WIOA Youth Program Elements with additional resources to support each. Maintained by Workforce GPS.
- Service Definitions for WIOA Youth a list of services tied to the 14 elements used by PY+, also includes 14 Elements with links for each that provide resources and best practices from Workforce GPS.
- Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No. 09-22 provides guidance with WIOA Title I youth formula funds on the activities associated with the implementation of WIOA.
- Youth Program Reference Tool is designed to inform readers of the statutory and regulatory guidelines for the operational implementation of the WIOA youth program. Visit the site and look for the attached PDF.
- WIOA Youth Program Resources Page maintained by Workforce GPS.