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Documents, Infographics, Flyers and Guides for Worksource staff and partners.

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Numeric Title

211 may be able to help you identify, navigate, and connect with the local resources you need. Some of the services they can connect you to are:

  • Help to pay rent or to find housing
  • Help to pay utility bills
  • Help to get groceries or other food, like food boxes or food pantries
  • Help finding and paying for child care
  • Cash benefits
  • Immediate help for people in a domestic violence situation
  • Transportation help
  • Resources for immigrant and undocumented communities

Visit for more, call 2-1-1, or 1-866-698-6155 (free language interpreters available by phone).

TTY: Dial 711 and call 1-866-698-6155

Text: Text your zip code to 898211 (TXT211) (English and Spanish) (English and Spanish)

988 – text , call, or chat for suicide and crisis lifeline help.


AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Emerging Technologies

Accessibility – see Disabilities (People with) Resources


Advertising (Outreach and Communications related to WIOA funds)

  • Alternative Text guidance from Section 508 of the Government Services Administration (GSA) on accessibility of websites or information technology related resources.
  • CFR 200.403 provides factors affecting allowability costs
  • CFR 200.421 defines advertising and public relations including meetings, conventions, and conferences
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP.Gov) includes resources to assist with communications for participants with limited English proficiencies
  • TEGL 03-23 outlines Allowable Uses of Funds for Outreach Activities for Federal Formula and Competitive Grant Awards
  • WIOA 188 Guide offers guidance on developing resources that support individuals with disabilities (includes a Word document link)
  • Workforce GPS Recorded Webinar provides guidance of how to implement TEGL-03-23
  • Workforce GPS Recorded Webinar on using Social Media for outreach and marketing




Bank On Oregon – see Financial Literacy

Behavioral Health – see Mental Health

Benefit Navigator

  • Benefits Navigator Infographic: an overview of the Workforce Benefit Navigator program, there are no direct participant services through this grant and is for staff information only.
  • Mid Rogue Mobile Navigators: (sponsored by AllCare) provides navigation assistance with financial assistance, housing, job search, vital records, legal assistance, life skills, mailing addresses, SNAP, OHP, phone, and transportation – Flyer of Services (English or Spanish) and Foundry Residencial Housing (English and Spanish)


  • Federal Bonding Program: the Oregon Employment Department participates in the Federal Bonding Program. Employers can receive $5,000 fidelity bonds, free of charge, as an incentive to hire job seekers who do not qualify for commercial fidelity bonds.
  • Work Opportunity Tax Credit:(WOTC) is a Federal tax credit designed to incentivize employers to hire individuals who face barriers to employment


Career Coaching Resources

  • Breaking Down Bias in Career Assessments – a short article and five minute audio version looking at how career and occupational development coaches can assess bias when assessing job seekers (from CareerWise).
  • CareerWise Tips and Training – actionable advice, tools and professional development for career practitioners and those they serve.
  • Workforce GPS – Sponsored by the Employment and Training Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor, WorkforceGPS was developed specifically for workforce professionals, educators, and business leaders.

Career Flyers for Participants:

Careers Oregon

Career Information System (CIS)

Child Care and Early Childhood Education (ECE)

Community Resources



Demographic Data (Jackson and Josephine Counties)

For additional data visit the RWP Dashboards page

Digital/Information Literacy

  • Information Literacy – a federal site that provides resources for Digital, Financial, and Health Literacy.

Disabilities (People with) Resources

Disaster Grant (Quest)

Driving Prosperity (Good Jobs Challenge)

  • Driving Prosperity (Good Jobs Challenge) Staff Flyer
  • Getting Started with DocMgt is a guide on data entry for Driving Prosperity participants, this is in addition to I-Trac and eBridge.
  • Good Jobs DocMgt Filing Name Conventions use this to name documents and place in correct category: PDF or Excel
  • Job Quality Playbook is a guide for workforce and economic development agencies to learn more about why job quality matters, what components make a good job, and how to support both employers and workers.
  • What is a Good Job? The US Department of Labor defines the characteristics of a good job; explains the importance, and outlines strategies to promote employer partnerships and workforce training (Training and Employment Guidance Letter No. 07-22).



Getting Started

Quick Resources to Help when Uploading into eBridge

Full Manual and Training Video

Education: Secondary (High School Diploma and GED) or Post Secondary (College and Apprenticeships)



  • WIOA Adult/DW (see WIOA)


Employability Skills:


Entrepreneur and Self-Employment

Equal Employment Opportunity and Grant Language for Documents



Fair Chance (participants with a criminal background, also known as Second Chance, Justice Involved, Returning Citizen)

Fair Labor Standards Act (FSLA)

Financial Literacy


Good Jobs see Driving Prosperity

Grants (General)

  • Grants.Gov the US Grants website includes learning about grants and searching for federal offerings.
  • Oregon Serves provides ongoing grants with AmeriCorps.

Grievance and Complaints Resources





Immigration, Migrant Workers, Refugees, Asylees, and Undocumented Communities

Information Technology and E-Commerce

Internet and Telephone Resources for Low-Income Populations

Internships – see Work Experience / Internships
WSRV Child Care Internship – see Child Care

Individual Training Account (ITA) see Occupational Skills Training (OST)

I-Trac (see WIOA IB)


JOBS Program

Justice Involved – see Fair Chance



Labor Market Information

Layoff Aversion


  • Beloved Arise : mentorship program with LGBTQIA+ adults of faith, resource guides by religion.
  • Capacity Building Center for Tribes (funded by HHS Children’s Bureau): trainings and webinars on gender diverse indigenous youth, tribe to tribe sample case management document sharing.
  • DEIA In Action: Strategies to Support LGBTQIA+ Youth Webcast – WorkforceGPS provides two recordings of a webcast from July 2024 offering proven approaches and best practices that can help workforce programs build the capacity of their staff and create more inclusive, supportive environments for LGBTQIA+ youth.
  • It Gets Better:  a visual glossary of terminology, toolkits, long-term video project in which allies, leaders, and thriving LGBTQIA+ adults uplift youth who are frightened or in despair.
  • Point Foundation:  scholarship funding for LGBTQIA+ students in need pursuing associate, bachelor, master, or doctoral degrees or cosmetology certification, additional scholarship for LGBTQIA+ students of color can also fund trade school with intent to enroll in a 2-year degree program at minimum.
  • The Trevor Project: 24/7 national suicide crisis hotline for LGBTQIA+ youth accessible by phone: 1-866-488-7386, text: 678-678, or online chat; public education; online community for youth.
  • Queer Coffee House @ the Library is held the first Tuesday of every month, 5:30 pm – 7 pm at Medford Library Adams Conference Room, 205 South Central Avenue, Medford OR 97501.  Every month a variety of activities are provided such as watch movies, play games, build community, and share favorite books, movies, podcasts, and more. LGBTQ+ folks and allies are all welcome!
  • Resources to Support the Career Development of Transgender People – online article by CareerWise.
  • So Health-E advocacy for health equity
  • Southern Pride
  • Southern Oregon Coast Pride
  • Tips for the LGBTQIA+ Community to Improve Your Physical and Mental Health
  • TransCanWork nonprofit organization based in Los Angeles, California and is committed to advancing workplace inclusion through innovative training strategies and workforce development.  Many resources are available online.
  • TransPonder is a transgender-founded and led nonprofit based in Eugene, Oregon providing support, resources, and education for the transgender and gender-diverse community and our allies.  Many resources are available online.  For product vouchers in Ashland visit their Voucher page.
  • Umpqua Valley Rainbow Collective 
LGBTQIA+ Youth Suicide Quick Guide

National Suicide Crisis Hotline is 988 (LGBTQIA+-specific services may be requested), always call 911 if a suicide attempt is imminent or in progress

Online Chat









Dial 9-8-8

Living Wage Resources

Low Income and Poverty Guidelines (for eligibility with Federal and State programs)


Mental Health

Migrant Worker (see Immigration, Migrant Workers, Refugees, Asylees, and Undocumented Communities)

  • MigrantWorker.Gov – the U.S. Department of Labor web site providing resources on worker rights, workplace safety and healthy, along with full payment of wages and support regardless of immigration status.

Minimum Wage

My WorkSource (MyWS)




Occupational Skills Training (OST)

  • CFR 680.230 explains the requirements for coordination of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act training funds and other grant assistance (state grants and Pell grant for example).
  • Master Scholarship Packet for WIOA Title I Adult and Dislocated Worker OST requests.
  • WIOA Scholarship Matrix  for WIOA Title I Adult and Dislocated Worker OST requests.

One-Stop Operator

  • One-Stop Operator RWP Policy see Policies and Strategic Documents under Program Specific Policies, Program Standards, and Guidance.
  • WIOA One-Stop Operator System Infographic includes a list of required partners and references.



Pathways Home

Preferred Worker

Professional Development



Rapid Response Packet Page (with all documents contained in a RRIS packet)  English and other Languages as Available

 ——Rapid Response Workers ——

 ——Rapid Response Employers——

 ——- Rapid Response Staff ——


Release of Information Forms (for Social Media, reports, and other documents written or digital)

Rental Support

Rogue Careers

Rogue Careers



Senior Employment

  • Easterseals – federally-funded program for older adults seeking employment and training.  Visit WSRV to contact Easterseals staff in either Medford or Grants Pass work center.
  • Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) – the US Department of Labor website for community service and work-based employment training programs for older Americans.

Sector (Target) Strategies

Social Security Disclosure Form

Social Security Disability Insurances Benefits

  • Benefits.Gov site explains what SSDI is, who is eligible, and application information.

Spanish Speaking Resources

  • Education Pays poster 2024 (Spanish) from QualityInfo also PDF and PNG
  • La Clinica – providing health care (medical, dental, school-based, pharmacy, mobile health, behavioral, and education) and immigration medical exams for all Oregonians including Spanish speaking patients.
  • Unete supporting farm workers and Latino immigrants in the Rogue Valley.

Student (Higher Education) Resources

Substance Abuse

Success Story and Photo/Release of Information Form

Support Services


Transportation and Truck Driving

Trauma (Support and Informed) Resources

  • Careerwise – an online article providing resources to support learning on trauma and career development


Umbrella of Services (Rogue Valley Workforce Development and Partners)


Veteran Resources

  • Boots to BusinessBoots to Business (B2B) is an entrepreneurial education and training program offered by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), which provides an overview of entrepreneurship and applicable business ownership fundamentals. Active Duty Service members (including National Guard and Reserve), Veterans of all eras, and spouses are eligible to participate (one-page Flyer)
  • VA Workforce Benefits Navigator Presentation: a PDF of a presentation provided for the Oregon Prosperity 10,000 Navigator initiative from September 28, 2023.


Wage Convertor (for Staff)

WIOA IB Related Documents:

I-Trac Wagner Peyser – OED (WP-OED) Fund

I-Trac (WIOA IB Case Management System)

Work Authorization (also known as Legal to Work)

Work Ready

Worksource Oregon Operational Standards

WSRV Services



Youth (WIOA)