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Participate in Safe + Sound Week 2023: August 7-13!

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Safe + Sound Week is a nationwide event held each August that recognizes the successes of workplace health and safety programs and offers information and ideas on how to keep America’s workers safe. This year Safe + Sound Week will provide resources for businesses on mental health and well-being. These materials will be posted before the start of Safe + Sound Week.

Why Participate? Successful safety and health programs can proactively identify and manage workplace hazards before they cause injury or illness, improving sustainability and the bottom line. Participating in Safe + Sound Week can help get your program started, energize an existing one, or provide a chance to recognize your safety successes.

More information.

Rogue Valley Economic Brief – How are Workers Distributed?

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A selection of recent economic data (wage and employment related) relevant to Josephine and Jackson counties including the Employment Distribution by Firm Size, brought to you by Workforce Analyst Carlos Diaz. Your source for the latest local economic data, highlights, and analysis.  Discover local new business openings, closures, and hiring events: Business highlights

Future of Jobs Report – 2023

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Each year the World Economic Forum produces a “Future of Jobs Report”.  The button below links to a comprehensive look at findings, interpretations, and conclusions on current and trending economic data.  Although this report looks at jobs from a global perspective, much of the content applies to the Rogue Valley region.

The first 60 pages include:

  • Drivers of labor market transformation

  • Jobs outlook

  • Skills outlook

  • Workforce Strategies

The other 230 pages include appendices and “profiles” (economic, industry, region, and skills).